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  • Divido Integration Guide
  • Parts of the integration
  • HTTP Response Codes
  • Merchant API Documentation
  • Divido Integration Guide

    An overview of how to integrate Divido as a payment option in a webshop.

    This document assumes you're developing a reusable plugin to a shop system. If you are adding Divido to a custom built webshop or as a one off integration, some of the sections, such as the settings, might not apply to your case.

    Date: 19 Jan 2018 Version: 0.9

    The Divido Process

    An overview of the steps a customer goes through when checking out using Divido as the payment method:

    # Where Webhook What's Happening
    1 Merchant N Choose Divido as payment method, Select financing plan and deposit percentage
    2 Merchant N Confirm, redirections to ...
    3 Divido Y Start of Divido application process
    4 Divido Y Enter personal and banking info
    5 Divido Y Pay deposit
    6 Divido Y Sign Contract
    7 Divido N Thank you page, redirection to ...
    8 Merchant N Success Page

    Sequence Guide

    sequence diagram

    Parts of the integration

    Global settings

    To provide the merchant with the possibilites to customise their Divido integration so that it suits their business, you need to add a list of options to the payments section of the webshop settings.

    Below is a list of what should minimally be included in this list. More options are discussed under the section Limiting available payment plans.

    Please note that the names of the options are only guidelines and can be changed to suit the shops' platform.

    API Key

    Type: String Example: sandbox_ccdc53735.b04d5a8270cf7cf8d24238e5a2a5fe4f Contains the API key necessary for communication with Dividos services.


    Type: Bool For quickly enabling/disabling the Divido payment option and product page calculator


    Type: String Lets the customer pick their own title for the payment option at checkout

    Show product page widget

    Type: Bool Toggles the product page widget

    Order status on creation

    Type: Order status Provide a list of possible/applicable order statuses, so that the merchant can choose what status an order created by Divido gets.

    Order creation level

    Type: String Possible values: ACCEPTED, SIGNED Lets the merchant choose when in the Divido process an order is created/escalated.

    Send automatic fulfilment update

    Type: Bool Toggles whether or not the plugin sends an automatic update call to Divido, when a Divido order reaches a certain status.

    Fulfilment status

    Type: Order status If "Send automatic fulfilment update" is True, this is the order status it would react to.

    Cart amount limit

    Type: Float Lets the merchant define an amount, under which a cart is not eligible to be paid for with Divido.

    Product selection

    Options: All products, Products above specified price Above is the two required options, see more under "Limiting available payment plans"

    Product price limit

    Type: Float If "Product selection" is set to "Products above specified price", this is the price limit against which products are checked.

    Merchant specific javascript

    For every customer, Divido provides a javascript generated specifically for them. This javascript contains functionality for showing dynamic calculators and widgets, as well as info about available financing products. Since this script is regenerated when the customers plans are updated, it should not be hosted locally, but sourced from Dividos CDN.

    The URL of the script follows this pattern: //[API KEY].js The [API KEY] placeholder is replaced by the part of the API key up to the period.

    So if the API key is sandbox_ccdc53735.b04d5a8270cf7cf8d24238e5a2a5fe4f The part we use for the javascript URL is sandbox_ccdc53735

    Example: //

    This script needs to be included on the product page and the checkout page and anywhere else you want to display a Divido calculator or widget.

    Product page widget

    The Divido product page widget allows the customer to get a quick overview of what financing options are available on that specific product and what different levels of deposit will do for the overall cost.

    In its most basic form, it looks like this:

    In its most basic form, it looks like this HTML:

     <div data-divido-widget data-divido-amount="[PRODUCT PRICE]"></div>


    We suggest you place it directly under the price on the product page. Don't forget to take the values of the "Product selection" and "Product price limit" into account when deciding whether or not to show it!

    It's only the tag that's needed, the Divido javascript will take care of the rest.

    Checkout form

    When the customer has chosen Divido as their payment option, you need to provide them with a form where they can choose financing, product and set a deposit amount.

    This is what the markup looks like in our Magento plugin HTML:

    <fieldset data-divido-calculator data-divido-amount="[GRAND TOTAL]">
         <h1>Pay in instalments</h1>
             <dt><span data-divido-choose-finance data-divido-label="Choose your plan"
             <dd><span class="divido-deposit" data-divido-choose-deposit data-divido-la
     bel="Choose your deposit" data-divido-form="divido_deposit"></span></dd>
         <div class="description">
                 <span data-divido-agreement-duration></span> monthly payments of <span
         <div class="divido-info">
                 <dd><span data-divido-agreement-duration></span> months</dd>
                 <dt>Monthly instalment</dt>
                 <dd><span data-divido-monthly-instalment></span></dd>
                 <dd><span data-divido-deposit></span></dd>
                 <dt>Cost of credit</dt>
                 <dd><span data-divido-finance-cost-rounded></span></dd>
                 <dt>Total payable</dt>
                 <dd><span data-divido-total-payable-rounded></span></dd>
                 <dt>Total interest APR</dt>
                 <dd><span data-divido-interest-rate></span></dd>
         <div class="clear"></div>
         <p>You will be redirected to Divido to complete this finance application when
     you place your order</p>

    Again, the Divido javascript will take care of making this form interactive. When the customer has chosen financing plan and deposit, you need to collect that data and send it, along with additional information about the order and the customer, to make a credit request.

    Credit request

    The first step in a credit application starts with a credit request. It's simply a HTTP POST call to our web service, containing customer and order data that's used as the basis for the credit application.

    You can see the full documentation for this call in the credit request section of our API documentation. Please note that the host name differs depending on whether you're using a live or sandbox key, see API endpoints.

    If the call is correctly done, the response will contain a field named "url". To start the credit application, redirect the user to that URL.

    The customer has now left the merchants shop and is walked through a series of steps in the Divido credit application process. Each of those steps results in an update call back to your server, Webhooks.

    Handling Webhooks (automatic updates from Divido)

    Whenever the customer completes a step in the credit application process, an HTTP POST call is sent to the URL specified in the credit request field "response_url".

    These are the events we send updates for, and a list of their possible statuses:

    When the application is done, the information is sent to the underwriter for review. This is a mostly automated process and the application gets accepted or declined directly.

    In some cases, however, the underwriter will have to do a manual review of the application and its status is set to "referred". This will pause the application process and the customer will be given the choice to wait for the approval process to finish or return to the merchant.

    When referred, the approval process takes up to 3 days and when it's done, the customer gets an email with a link that places them right where they left off in the application process.

    Here's an example of the payload:

         "application": 'C84047A6D-89B2-FECF-D2B4-168444F5178C',
         "reference": 100024,
         "status": 'SIGNED',
         "live": true,
         "metadata":  {
            "Invoice Number":"844001",
            "Order Number":"100019"

    Field for field, this is the contents:

    application: The ID of the Application, we recommend you save this for further reference.

    reference: Third part reference, if sent with credit request status: This is the actual status update!

    live: Whether or not this comes from our live environment (false = sandbox environment)

    metadata: This contains whatever you sent us in in the metadata field when you did the credit request.


    To make sure no one is falsely sending you status updates, you need to verify that the updates are actually from us and that they refer to a actual orders. To acheive this, we usually create a unique salt, store it together with the order id, create a hash based on the salted order id and send the hash and the order id in the credit request metadata. When the status updates comes back, we salt the order id, hashes it and checks it agains the hash that's in the metadata.

    Limiting available payment plans

    Merchants often need to tailor the list of available financing plans to suit their current situation. To allow this you need to provide a way to limit the overall available financing plans and often more granualar settings targeting categories, brands or individual products.

    What's needed really comes down to the individual merchant. Here we will detail the solution we ship with our generic Magento plugin.

    Global settings

    Shown plans Options: All plans, Selected plans

    Available plans

    Type: List of strings

    Dependencies: Only shown if Shown plans is set to "Selected plans" Multiple select box/List of checkboxes with the result from a call to our API (

    Product selection

    Extra option: Selected products When this is option is chosen, a product is only available on finance if it has specifically been enabled. Used in combination with Shown plans set to "Selected plans".

    Product settings

    Available on finance

    Options: Default settings, Selected plans

    Available plans

    Type: List of strings Dependencies: Only shown if Available on finance is set to "Selected plans" Multiple select box/List of checkboxes with the result from a call to our API (

    Calculating available financing plans

    You need to calculate the available financing plans on both the product page. How you do it on the checkout page depends on your use case, but we will show how we do it in our generic plugins as an example.


    Naive pseudo code:

     If global setting "Product selection" is "Selected products"
         If product setting "Available plans" is "Default settings"
             Let Plans be global setting "Available plans"
             Let Plans be product setting "Available plans"
         Let Plans be global setting "Available plans"
     Return Plans that has a minimum price lower than the product price


    Naive pseudo code:

     For each product in the cart
         Collect all plans for the product
     Return all plans that has a minimum price lower than the full order value

    HTTP Response Codes

    You may encounter the following response codes. Any unsuccessful response codes will contain more information to help you identify the cause of the problem.

    Code Meaning
    200 The request has succeeded.
    201 The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resource being created. The newly created resource can be referenced by the URI(s) returned in the entity of the response, with the most specific URI for the resource given by a Location header field.
    404 Not Found. The requested resource was not found. The response body will explain which resource was not found.
    500 Internal Server Error. The server encountered an error while processing your request and failed. Please report this to the Divido support team.

    Merchant API Documentation

    The merchant API is a set of dedicated endpoints to allow custom integrations through a consistent stable interface

    API Endpoints

    To use the Divido API to query data, you will need to send a request to the correct endpoint. Request endpoints should depend on whether you wish to query the live or sandbox environment:

    Get all applications

    Returns all applications for the merchant

    HTTP Request

    GET /applications



    Example Response:

      "meta": {
        "count": 25,
        "current_page": 1,
        "first_item": 1,
        "has_more_pages": true,
        "last_item": 25,
        "last_page": 77,
        "per_page": 25,
        "total": 1905
      "links": {
        "self": "http:\/\/\/applications?page=1",
        "next": "http:\/\/\/applications?page=2"
      "data": [
          "type": "applications",
          "id": "2de1acad-748e-4249-85a4-a5ea54e72d84",
          "attributes": {
            "token": "7d81dd1790b23b4e21ac290b5c57024a",
            "finalised": 0,
            "finalisation_required": 0,
            "current_status": "PROPOSAL",
            "lender_reference": "",
            "lender_loan_reference": "",
            "form_data": {
              "first_name": "Ann",
              "middle_names": "",
              "last_name": "Heselden",
              "phone_number": "02012312312",
              "email": ""
            "order": {
              "product_data": [
                  "sku": "",
                  "name": "Goods",
                  "quantity": 1,
                  "price": 1000,
                  "vat": 0,
                  "unit": "",
                  "image": "",
                  "attributes": "1"
              "refunds": [],
              "activations": [],
              "cancellations": []
            "amounts": {
              "activatable_amount": 65000,
              "activated_amount": 0,
              "cancelable_amount": 65000,
              "cancelled_amount": 0,
              "original_credit_amount": 65000,
              "current_credit_amount": -34000,
              "deposit_amount": 35000,
              "monthly_payment_amount": 5417,
              "purchase_price_amount": 1000,
              "refundable_amount": 0,
              "refunded_amount": 0,
              "total_repayable_amount": 100000
            "metadata": [],
            "activation_status": "AWAITING-ACTIVATION",
            "deposit_status": "UNPAID",
            "merchant_reference": "",
            "urls": {
              "merchant_redirect_url": "",
              "merchant_checkout_url": "",
              "merchant_notification_url": "",
              "application_url": "todo"
            "created_at": "2017-12-20T11:02:24+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2017-12-20T11:02:24+00:00"
          "relationships": {
            "country": {
              "data": {
                "type": "countries",
                "id": "GB"
            "currency": {
              "data": {
                "type": "currencies",
                "id": "GBP"
            "deposits": {
              "data": []
            "application_histories": {
              "data": [
                  "type": "application-histories",
                  "id": "2c012aeb-cce7-489a-a8c7-16db9d8cbf7a"
            "language": {
              "data": {
                "type": "languages",
                "id": "en"
            "merchant": {
              "data": {
                "type": "merchants",
                "id": "M9B458218-0C86-6121-1315-897A84A60E54"
            "merchant_channel": {
              "data": {
                "type": "merchant-channels",
                "id": "CFAD1A99F-E377-5C4E-B4E7-20E48E3F8D41"
            "finance_plan": {
              "data": {
                "type": "finance-plans",
                "id": "FBB4B79B2-6C98-127C-8119-66516B188E9B"
          "links": {
            "self": "http:\/\/\/applications\/2de1acad-748e-4249-85a4-a5ea54e72d84"

    Get a single application

    Returns a single applicaiton

    HTTP Request

    GET /applications/<APPLICATION_ID>



    Example Response:

      "data": {
        "type": "activations",
        "id": "A52B3606-01EE-11E8-B54D-FDCF2114AB2A",
        "attributes": {
          "amount": 100000,
          "status": "REQUESTED",
          "data": {
            "items": [
                "sku": "",
                "name": "Tax",
                "quantity": 1,
                "price": 4.94000000000000039079850466805510222911834716796875,
                "vat": 0,
                "unit": "",
                "image": "",
                "attributes": null
          "reference": "foo ref",
          "comment": "foo com",
          "image_upload_urls": [
              "filename": "young-kitten.jpg",
              "url": "uploads\/documents\/A52D907C-01EE-11E8-B09A-3F280253A9FA"
        "relationships": {
          "application": {
            "data": {
              "type": "applications",
              "id": "6A050C92-01E3-11E8-B73A-0BC7A7D1BD9B"
            "links": {
              "related": "http:\/\/\/applications\/6A050C92-01E3-11E8-B73A-0BC7A7D1BD9B"
        "links": {
          "self": "http:\/\/\/applications\/6A050C92-01E3-11E8-B73A-0BC7A7D1BD9B\/activations\/A52B3606-01EE-11E8-B54D-FDCF2114AB2A"

    Create an application

    HTTP Request

    POST /applications


    Example Payload

        "token": "example-token-sdihudsh98ds",
        "event": "application_store",
        "merchant_finance_id": "F4CA2E40A-B544-F75F-825A-FFF7613E7230",
        "merchant_channel_id": "C368EC936-60B5-CD0A-5FCB-7F3867B8FA9D",
        "finalisation_required": false,
        "deposit_percentage": 0.02,
        "age": 40,
        "country_id": "GB",
        "currency_id": "GBP",
        "language_id": "en",
        "form_data": {
            "firstName": "ann",
            "middleNames": "",
            "lastName": "heselden",
            "phoneNumber": "07512345678"
        "order": {
            "items": [
                    "sku": "",
                    "name": "Tax",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "price": 4.94,
                    "vat": 0,
                    "unit": "",
                    "image": "",
                    "attributes": null
                    "sku": "",
                    "name": "Shipping Total",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "price": 8.05,
                    "vat": 0,
                    "unit": "",
                    "image": "",
                    "attributes": null
        "amount": 10000,
        "deposit_percantage": 0.1,
        "deposit_amount": 10000,
        "metadata": {
            "foo": "bar"
        "merchant_reference": "made-up-referefce",
        "merchant_redirect_url": "",
        "merchant_checkout_url": "",
        "merchant_response_url": ""

    Update an application

    HTTP Request

    PUT /applications/<APPLICATION_ID>



    Example Payload

      "token": "example-token-sdihudsh98ds",
      "event": "application_update",
      "form_data": { 
        "firstName" : "Bob",
        "middleNames" : "TEst",
        "lastName" : "heselden"

    Get all activations

    HTTP Request

    GET /applications/<APPLICATION_ID>/activations



    Get a specific activation

    HTTP Request

    GET /applications/<APPLICATION_ID>/activations/<ACTIVATION_ID>



    Example Response

      "data": {
        "type": "activations",
        "id": "A52B3606-01EE-11E8-B54D-FDCF2114AB2A",
        "attributes": {
          "amount": 100000,
          "status": "REQUESTED",
          "data": {
            "items": [
                "sku": "",
                "name": "Tax",
                "quantity": 1,
                "price": 4.94000000000000039079850466805510222911834716796875,
                "vat": 0,
                "unit": "",
                "image": "",
                "attributes": null
          "reference": "foo ref",
          "comment": "foo com",
          "image_upload_urls": [
              "filename": "young-kitten.jpg",
              "url": "uploads\/documents\/A52D907C-01EE-11E8-B09A-3F280253A9FA"
        "relationships": {
          "application": {
            "data": {
              "type": "applications",
              "id": "6A050C92-01E3-11E8-B73A-0BC7A7D1BD9B"
            "links": {
              "related": "http:\/\/\/applications\/6A050C92-01E3-11E8-B73A-0BC7A7D1BD9B"
        "links": {
          "self": "http:\/\/\/applications\/6A050C92-01E3-11E8-B73A-0BC7A7D1BD9B\/activations\/A52B3606-01EE-11E8-B54D-FDCF2114AB2A"

    Create an activation

    HTTP Request

    POST /applications/<APPLICATION_ID>/activations



    Get all cancellations

    HTTP Request

    GET /applications/<APPLICATION_ID>/cancellations



    Get a specific cancellation

    HTTP Request

    GET /applications/<APPLICATION_ID>/cancellations/<CANCELLATION_ID>



    Create a cancellation

    HTTP Request

    POST /applications/<APPLICATION_ID>/cancellations



    Get all refunds

    HTTP Request

    GET /applications/<APPLICATION_ID>/refunds



    Get a specific refund

    HTTP Request

    GET /applications/<APPLICATION_ID>/refunds/<REFUND_ID>



    Create a Refund

    HTTP Request

    POST /applications/<APPLICATION_ID>/refunds



    Get all finanace Plans

    HTTP Request

    GET /finance-plans




    Example Response:

      "meta": {
        "count": 10,
        "current_page": 2,
        "first_item": 26,
        "has_more_pages": false,
        "last_item": 35,
        "last_page": 2,
        "per_page": 25,
        "total": 35
      "links": {
        "self": "http:\/\/\/finance-plans?page=2",
        "prev": "http:\/\/\/finance-plans?page=1"
      "data": [
          "type": "finance-plans",
          "id": "F8C963716-2B0B-5E69-D50D-A5E7FF88425C",
          "attributes": {
            "agreement_duration_months": 6,
            "deferral_period_months": 0,
            "interest_rate_percentage": "0",
            "deposit": {
              "maximum_percentage": 50,
              "minimum_percentage": 1
            "credit_amount": {
              "minimum_amount": 250,
              "maximum_amount": null
            "fees": {
              "instalment_fee_amount": 0,
              "setup_fee_amount": 0
            "description": "6 month 0% demo",
            "calculation_family": "f0258b6685684c113bad94d91b8fa02a",
            "lender_code": "123"
          "relationships": {
            "country": {
              "data": {
                "type": "countries",
                "id": "GB"
            "currency": {
              "data": {
                "type": "currencies",
                "id": "GBP"
          "links": {
            "self": "http:\/\/\/finance-plans\/F8C963716-2B0B-5E69-D50D-A5E7FF88425C"

    Service Healthcheck

    HTTP Request

    GET /health


    Example Response:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Server: nginx/1.13.8
    Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2018 09:51:39 GMT
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 2
    Connection: close
    X-Powered-By: PHP/7.1.9
    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000

    Get all settlements

    HTTP Request

    GET /settlements


    Retrieve a settlement

    HTTP Request

    GET /settlements/<SETTLEMENT_ID>
